BlogFriday, March 29 2024
Every year, more power tools appear that are specific to a season. Over time, some of those pieces of equipment drift into a corner unused. You could make money on them, but how much do pawn shops pay for power tools? Why do Pawnshops Buy Tools?To understand how you may make money from your power tools, it helps to understand why pawnshops buy them in the first place. Remember that consumers always seek a dependable item at a reasonable price. With tools in high demand, pawnbrokers can sell durable, tested tools quickly. So it’s a win-win. What do Pawn Shops Buy?At Cash Express, we keep our eyes open for power instruments that are in good condition. This means the item works. Examples include:
And many more! Power Tools: Final Pawn ValueWhen you bring a piece to our shop, we will give you an appraisal. How much we can pay depends heavily on the market. If it’s spring, you’re likely to get less for a snowblower than winter when people want to buy. So, sell your tools when they are in season. There are other considerations as well. The Impact of BrandingHow much do pawn shops pay for power tools? It depends. There are brands in the world of tools that people respect for their durability and craftsmanship. Black & Decker, Bosch, Craftsman, Dewait, Stanly, Irwin, and Husky all have a solid following, and most hold their value for sales. At Cash Express, we often can’t keep these items in stock because they sell so fast. What sets some companies apart from others? Sometimes preference, and other times reputation. Bosch Power Tools are great performers on which you can rely, for example. DeWalt products have long battery lives. ConditionTake the time to clean off and inspect your tools. A little shine goes a long way. Dust them off, make sure things are running as they should, and charge them up. The poorer the toot’s condition, the less you can get for it. Choosing Between Power ToolsWhich item you choose to sell may depend on how much money you need. A table saw, for example, might yield $1,000, while your cordless drill will be under $200. It’s a good idea to do some research before selling. Know the value of your item so you have better grounds for negotiation. Ready to Sell? Come to Cash ExpressCash Express is a highly regarded broker in Philadelphia when you need quick cash. You can sell your tools outright or pawn them for a short-term loan. Our trained personnel will answer your questions so you fully understand your transaction. If you’d like to find out more, including whether we are looking to buy the tools you want to sell, you can use our online contact form. Even if we don’t want it right now, it’s possible to consider it again at a later date. You can also email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560 Thursday, March 14 2024
If you’re looking to pawn or sell, you may wonder what the 5 highest prices items are in a pawnshop. You’ve started looking through your things, and want to get as much as possible from your translation. To begin, there’s a basic rule we use in Cash Express: The greater the demand, the greater your return. Of course, the item itself must be evaluated for its retail value, too. Pawn or Buy?Both pawning and buying get you quick cash. However, the foundation of the transaction is different. If you sell the item, it’s just like any other sale. But if you pawn your item, you get a percentage of its value and must pay back that money by a specific time. We mention this because you could lose an item if you default on your pawn loan. With high-end items, that loss could be substantive. Similarly, even high-priced items at a pawn shop can have sentimental value. If you’re going to have regrets, pause and really think about this decision. 5 Highest Price Items in a Pawn ShopThe five highest-priced items in a pawn shop depend heavily on the storefront itself. Some stores specialize in things like antiques, for example. So, if you’ve got quality power tools, this probably isn’t the place to start. A little research into nearby stores will save you a ton of time. If we take a broad overview of pawnshops, some trends appear in high-priced items, particularly those with provenance.
The only problem for pawnshop owners is that high-priced items take longer to sell unless they have a specific focus market.
Check-in With Cash ExpressWhether you’re buying or selling, we can help you with high-priced items. If you’re shopping, you’ll find reasonable prices. We are experts in antiques, diamonds, jewelry, watches, and much more. You can use our online contact form, email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560